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Crowns & bridges  in American Canyon, CA

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Affordable care for lasting smiles

Implant and Crown

Special pricing for uninsured patients only.
Limited time offer.

What is a dental crown?

man smiling
woman smiling

What is a dental bridge?

Kinds of dental crowns we provide



A zirconia crown is made from a material called Zirconium Dioxide which is chemically inert so it does not react with anything in the mouth. This property makes it a great option for people who may have metal allergies. These crowns do not transmit heat or cold like metal crowns which makes them a great option for people who may have hypersensitivity.Solid zirconia crowns are chosen if the underlying tooth is discolored and dark in color. They are better able to hide the deep color of the underlying tooth and prevent it from showing through. Crowns can also be cut from a translucent variety of zirconia so that a desired color and shade is obtained to match the surrounding teeth. Layered zirconia can be used to obtain a color-gradient to match the neighboring teeth. Zirconia is also highly stain-resistant. Good aesthetics and stark resemblance to natural teeth, make them ideal for front teeth restorations.Being extremely durable, strong and long-lasting, they are usually the choice for people who grind their teeth. Zirconia crowns are about 5 times stronger than all-ceramic crowns


E-max crowns have excellent aesthetics and look most like natural teeth. This quality makes them a great option for front teeth. They are also made from a chemically un-reactive material and good for patients with metal allergies.

These are not as tough as zirconia crowns, so they are not used for molars that undergo the most pressure. These crowns are also not preferred if the underlying tooth stump is dark and highly discolored.


This kind of crown is great when the strength of the metal is needed along with making the tooth look aesthetically pleasing. It is easy to match porcelain to the color of the neighboring teeth.

Temporary crowns are made in our clinic right after the procedure is done, the tooth is prepared and impressions are taken. They are usually made of stainless steel or resin. They hold the place for the permanent crown until it is delivered from the lab and you come to us to get it placed.

Factors for selecting the crown material

  • The location of the tooth in the mouth
  • The visibility of the tooth
  • Color of the neighboring teeth
  • Color of underlying tooth
  • The function of the tooth requiring a crown
  • Size of the remaining natural tooth
  • Position of the gum of the tooth requiring the crown
  • Any metal-allergies that the patient may have
  • If the patient grinds his/her teeth

Canyon West Dental is here to make you smile.