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Gum treatment in American Canyon, CA

man smiling

What do healthy gums look like?

man smiling
woman smiling

What do unhealthy gums look like?

Why is regular gum evaluation important?

What happens during gum evaluation?

Your dentist at Canyon West Dental will perform a visual exam with a probe to check your gums for plaque. Your teeth will be checked for any abnormal movement and change in bite. Your gum line may be measured to see if there is any gum-recession. A more detailed exam will consist of x-rays to detect bone loss and change in bone structure.

Treatment of gum disease

We offer comfortable, professional cleanings to reverse early stages of gum disease. If gum disease is of the advanced and chronic kind, then maintenance with cleanings, medication and improved oral hygiene is the way to go. In some extreme cases, oral surgery may be recommended.

Canyon West Dental is here to make you smile.